Christian Leaders Institute Workplace Ministry Degrees
The Workplace Ministry Degrees are designed for the person called to minister in the workplace, whether you have your own business, work for a business or work in a profession. You are that person if you are looking for confidence in serving the Lord as you provide for yourself or your family. Perhaps you want to be prepared to minister in your current workplace, but also want to prepare for future ministry as a bi-vocational leader. This degree could work well for you also.
Ministry Preparation
This degree covers the bases of the key ministry classes you need to be prepared for workplace ministry, but it has elective flexibility included.
Workplace Preparation
There are many enterprise courses included in this degree as well. These courses will go a long way to give you confidence as an effective Christian leader at work. This degree would be perfect for anyone called to minister at work, with the possibility of future ministry endeavors outside of work also.
Check out our Course descriptions here.
Associate of Workplace Ministry Degree (62-63 credits)
General Education Credits (32-33 credits)
- College Reading and Writing – ENG 121 (4 credits) OR Advanced English Writing Comprehension (4 credits) OR English-Transfer (3 credits)
- Basic Writing – ENG 101 (2 credits)
- World History (3 credits) – HIS 220 OR World History-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Communication – COM 101 (3 credits) OR Communications-Transfer (3 credits)
- Finite Mathematics – MAT 151 (3 credits) OR College Algebra – MAT 201 (3 credits) OR College Mathematics-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Biology – SCI 210 (3 credits) OR Astronomy – SCI 201 (3 credits) OR Science-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Philosophy – PHI 211 (3 credits) OR Philosophy-Transfer (3 credits)
- Humanities 101 (3 credits) OR Humanities-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Psychology – PSY 121 (3 credits) OR Psychology-Transfer (3 credits) OR Social Science-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction Sociology – SOC 201 (3 credits) OR Sociology-Transfer (3 credits)
- Introduction to Economics – ECN 2o1 (3 credits) OR Economics-Transfer (3 credits)
Total: 32-33 credits
Ministry and Enterprise Courses (30 credits):
Ministry Courses (22 credits):
- Christian Leaders Connection – MIN 100 (3 Credits)
- Ministry 101 (3 credits)
- Christian Basics: Introduction to Christian Doctrine – THE 101 (3 credits)
- Church and Ministry – MIN 220 (3 credits)
- PeaceSmart Relationships 101 – MIN 240 (3 credits) or Restoring Relationships – Transforming Justice – MIN 245 (3 credits)
- People Smart for Ministry – MIN 151 (3 credits)
- Ministry Care Conversations – MIN 325 (3 credits)
- Associate of Workplace Ministry (1 credit)
Total: 20 credits
Enterprise Courses (10 credits):
- Christian Leaders Enterprise 101 – BUS 101 (3 credits)
- Enterprise Marketing – BUS 330 (4 credits)
- Online Enterprise Marketing – BUS 430 (3 credits)
Total: 10 credits
Total for non-general education courses: 30 credits
Associate of Workplace Ministry: 64-65 total credits
Bachelor of Workplace Ministry (127-128 credits)
Associate of Workplace Ministry (62-63 credits)
Ministry Classes (29 credits)
- Old Testament Survey – BIB 111 (3 credits)
- New Testament Survey – BIB 112 (3 credits)
- History of Christianity – HIS 240 (4 credits)
- Pastoral Care – MIN 210 (3 credits)
- Christian Ethics – PHI 230 (3 credits)
- Hermeneutics and Exegesis – BIB 420 (3 credits)
- Sermon Construction and Presentation – MIN 380 (4 credits)
- Christian Philosophy – PHI 221 (3 credits)
- Christian Apologetics – THE 320 (3 credits)
Total: 29 credits
Marketplace/Workplace Classes (19 credits)
- Business Management for Every Enterprise – BUS 310 (4 credits)
- Management by the Book – BUS 321 (3 credits)
- Business Finances for Every Enterprise – BUS 320 (4 credits)
- Enterprise Finance I – BUS 420 (4 credits)
- Principles of Microeconomics – ECN 301 (3 credits)
- Bachelor of Workplace Ministry Degree (1 credit)
Total: 19 credits
Electives (15 credits)
Total: 15 credits
Bachelor of Workplace Ministry Degree: 127-128 total credits