Debt-Free Minister Training
Are you called to study the Bible and ministry? Are you looking for a comprehensive ministry training program that includes free ministry courses and low-fee credentials? Maybe you are looking to serve as a volunteer, part-time, or full time minister? Are you presently in the work force, and you have need debt-free minister training?
Christian Leaders Institute offers several programs that include free online courses of interest to those in ministry or seeking to train for ministry.
The Christian Leaders Institute is called to mobilize as many volunteer, part-time, or full-time ministers as possible everywhere. This means providing free training and low-fee credential programs that keep you free from debt!
Christians leaders are needed in these desperate times. As called leaders receive ministry training and ministry and minister credentials, they need to stay free from student loans and college debt. Ministry jobs are available but usually come with a smaller salary. Student debt is undesirable. If you are called to be a volunteer or part-time minister, being part of a tuition-free, low-fee college journey is even more important.
Volunteer or Bi-vocational or Part-time Ministers
The early church was largely made up of volunteer or part-time bi-vocational ministers. These ministers did not receive much support from the work of their ministry. They did not receive any salary at all or served in a part-time arrangement.
Philemon and Phoebe were examples of this. Both these community and Christian leaders were trained by the Apostle Paul. Other early volunteer ministers where Roman slaves such as the two female slaves in 112 AD. Learn more. The early church provided for a minister training system that mobilized rich and poor alike, and volunteer minister were also mobilized.
Today, the challenge in the world of ministry training is to create a movement where ministry training and credentialing can be accessed by any called Christian leader everywhere on Earth. Christian Leaders Institute fans that movement into flame through being a complete Ministry Training and Credentialing program.
Free Ministry Training Courses and Credentialing Programs
Christian Leaders Institute oversees Ministry Training and Credentialing Programs which includes Free Ministry Training courses, Ministry Credentials, Minister or Clergy Credentials/Recognition and College Degrees.
Free Ministry Training and Ministry Credentials
Christian Leaders Institute oversees the Christian Leaders Institute. Christian Leaders Institute is the research and free courses arm of Christian Leaders Institute.
Christian Leaders Institute mobilizes vision partners to support the building of free courses and mini-courses for volunteer, part-time, or full-time ministers. This donation funded research arm has created over 150 courses now. These ministry courses are online courses that include lectures, free materials, quizzes, and in some, course papers. These courses work best when someone plugs into a local mentor. These free courses are ideal for volunteer or bi-vocational ministers who have another calling they are also pursuing, like being a stay at home mom, running a business or practice, or being retired or living on a pension.
Christian Leaders Institute also provides Ministry Credentials that can be downloaded or ordered after you complete a program of study. Christian Leaders Institute grants Awards, Certificates, and Diplomas in ministry or bi-vocational areas of training ministers.
Debt-Free Minister Training – Minister or Clergy Credentials/Recognition Programs
Christian Leaders Institute also oversees the Christian Leaders Alliance. The Christian Leaders Alliance puts a process in place where lay, licensed, and ordained ministers complete training programs and submit local endorsements to receive minister credentials.
Lay/Commended Ministers – Lay/Commended Ministers receive targeted ministry training that allows them to be effective in a specific role of ministry. Many commended ministers will serve at local churches. Often commended ministers are volunteers.
Licensed Ministers – Licensed Ministers receive more generalized ministry training. The programs include more of the essential and basic minister training for part-time ministers. For many, the licensed minister program is the gateway to becoming fully ordained.
Ordained Ministers – Ordained Minister roles include more training. Many part-time or full-time ministers pursue these minister/clergy recognitions.
All ministers are recognized on the Christian Leaders Alliance Minister/Clergy Directory.
Debt-Free Minister Training – Ministry Career
Christian Leaders Institute supports those who are called to serve Christ in a ministry career. Christian Leaders Institute offers tuition-free courses that include topics of interest to vocational or bi-vocational ministry leaders. See courses.
Christian Leaders Institute also offers three majors that fit most ministry-bound called leaders.
Here is the current Associate and Bachelor Degree Programs:
- Divinity
- Christian Leadership
- Chaplaincy
The Christian Leadership Degree also has concentrations or majors available in the following areas:
- Christian Philosophy Concentration
- Church Planting Concentration
- Women’s Ministry Concentration
- Advanced Biblical Studies Concentration
- Youth Ministry Concentration
- Christian Business Major
These majors and concentrations are supporting advanced training to those called to go deep into the theory and practice of doing ministry.
Quality Ministry Programs
Can something low cost have high quality? YES. Christian Leaders Institute recruits top credentialed professors who are accomplished in their fields of study. The low cost is not low cost because the classes are cheap. This is low cost because that is what is needed to mobilize large numbers of Christian leaders and ministers in every country, race, and rank of our global culture.
Whether you access Christian Leaders Institute family of programs through the Christian Leaders Institute, Christian Leaders Alliance, or here at the Christian Leader College, we are excited about what God will do in your life as you become more prepared for ministry service!
Featured Story
Debbie Mabey was married to a minister and getting her ministry degree with another seminary when her husband died of a very rare and aggressive brain cancer in 2018.
I was scheduled to return as a junior in their Seminary Program
this March, however due to limited finances after my husband’s death, that was not feasible.
I was blessed to find Christian Leaders Institute and began classes January 24, 2019. I completed my Associate of Divinity in July of 2021 and am currently 3 classes away from my Bachelor of Divinity.
I am happy to say God has turned my mourning into dancing and given me beauty for ashes. I re-married on May 16, 2020, to a wonderful man, Pastor Matthew Mabey. We are currently serving as transitional pastors at a church in Traverse City, Michigan.