A Message from the President, Dr. David Feddes
Is God prompting you toward leadership? Christian Leaders Institute exists to launch leaders worldwide with deep biblical knowledge, vibrant godliness, strong ministry skills, and passion for making disciples, expanding God’s church, and sparking a revival. If you sense that God is calling you to greater influence, Christian Leaders Institute can help equip you to make a positive impact for Jesus.
You can earn a college degree, diploma, or certificate while remaining in your location without amassing a crushing financial burden. All courses are free of charge, thanks to the generosity of our students, alumni, and donors. All classes can be accessed through a tablet, computer, smartphone, or any device with an Internet connection. As a college, we make excellent higher education available for all who are called to mission and ministry, especially bi-vocational leaders, without uprooting them or burdening them with debt.
You can become part of a diverse student body and join a mission force that is active in more than 170 countries. Christian Leaders Institute strives to make biblical truth understandable and ministry methods applicable to potential leaders with various learning styles, personality types, life experiences, and cultural contexts.
You can grow in your personal connection with God, your relationships with others, and your ability to minister in deeply personal ways. All students are encouraged to have a local mentor, who can enhance cognitive learning, aid personal spiritual formation, and offer supervised ministry opportunities.
Christian Leaders Institute courses and provides documented training and academic credentials so that trained leaders have access to more positions that require such credentials. Please understand that low fees apply.
As you follow God’s call, I pray that Christian Leaders Institute can equip and strengthen you as a revival leader. May God bless your life and witness.
David Feddes, Chief Accedemic Officer
Christian Leaders Institute