Made Possible by God’s Plan
In 2015, Clayton Moore first began studying at Christian Leaders Institute. Five years later, he is a recent graduate of the Bachelor of Divinity degree program. Read on to hear how his journey has been made possible by God’s plan for him all along!
The Entire Story
I had a frustrating experience in church one Sunday morning. I cannot recall precisely what the minister was talking about; likely because I was so caught off guard when he abruptly ended his message after about fifteen minutes. As everyone prepared for communion, I could not shake off the fact that I was waiting for the rest of the story; (his sermon). I’m sorry to say that this had become the worst experience in church I have ever had. I left church that day in such amazement, even as my wife was telling me to “let it go”. I could not let it go that day and truthfully, I am still very perplexed. However, this experience clarifies extraordinarily the value that Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) brings to its students every single day. I have never been left ‘holding the bag’ so-to-speak by any class at the Institute or the College.
It was also this experience that made me realize how, to me at least, church came off as being little more than a pageantry of ceremonies. Church had become little more than a Broadway Stage Show, with the focus on all the music, singing, announcements, ceremonies, and precessions. I’m not naïve, however. I certainly realize that this church does not reflect the whole of Christ’s body. Christian Leaders Institute provides the entire story. It also has successfully created an environment that filters away virtually all denominational biases. It trims off the unnecessary fat and presents the meat of the topic at hand.
Online College Experience
Even though I have been studying “online,” I feel more connected, in a personal way, to other CLI students and some of the staff. I know the reservation that some have toward a completely online college experience. Others question the effectiveness of courses and the weighing of a certificate or degree. However, I also see how much of the lack of acceptance is waning as we move forward in a post-coronavirus world. I was utterly amazed when I first happened across CLI on the internet. And it has been nothing but extended blessings ever since I enrolled. With virtually all students around the world currently doing 100% of their school/college work online, suddenly the hesitation to be accepting of online schooling and its credentials seems to be disappearing. If I dare say it, I have no problem being a CLI Apologist.
Another great testament to Christian Leaders Institute I’ve discovered is the number of people beginning studies here that are already ordained ministers and have been so for many years. I feel them wanting to either refresh their work through the continuing education courses or learn something that may have been outside their own little circles throughout the years.
The Impact of CLI
Although he did not expect the impact that Christian Leaders Institute would have on him, it was completely made possible by God’s plan for him and his life.
I sincerely never thought that CLI would have the impact on me that it has had. I am ministering to hundreds of people each day in different ways. My passion to preach Jesus as the Christ has never been more alive as it is now and with all I have learned since I first enrolled in Christian Leaders Institute. I know that during my journey, CLI has also been growing and not only in the number of courses it offers. The school is becoming focused on interacting in a more personal way, as much as possible with its students. The addition of Christian Leaders Institute and its impending accreditation helps to invite even more people to study.
Encouragement, I learned over the past 55 plus years, does not in many ways find its way to people. So, it’s sometimes not easily accepted when it is given. It is a pleasure to deal with and in some cases chat with the CLI staff throughout the day. They have all been such an encouraging force behind me, standing in the wings.
Connecting With Students
I also am very appreciative of CLI giving me the opportunity to volunteer. I pray that I am making a positive impact in the role they have blessed me to be in. CLI has been such a blessing to me. It allows me to gain experience every day through corresponding with CLI students. Each day, I reach out to between 40 and 50 students a day offering congratulations. I also reach out and welcome every new student. I get to connect with myriad of the students via Facebook, answering questions, pointing them in the right direction, and in some cases even asked to counsel on course paths and ministry career decisions. In other words, a School Counselor, if you will.
I love connecting with and hearing back from the myriad students around the world. It’s truly amazing how CLI connects all of us in a ministerial bond. This in itself touches me because I always enjoy meeting people outside of my own little world. From Africa to China, from Germany to Italy, India, and beyond, I get to chat with other students. I offer some advice here and there (as someone who has been through the CLI experience), encourage them, and share the word of God.
Made Possible by God’s Plan
So, how does my journey and everything I have learned with CLI manifest in my daily life? I make a concerted effort each day to pray and ask God to glorify His name and the name of my Lord Jesus to all the world. Everything we do, everything we learn, share, and teach all comes down to ensuring that Jesus and God are glorified. I also remind myself that if the work of Jesus is not touching me and making an impact on my life and family, then it is not touching and making an impact on those I share Him with.
Everything I have learned and accomplished while studying here at CLI, was made possible by God’s plan for me, not my own. Throughout the past decade and half, as I can see it now in hindsight. God was surely calling the shots the entire time. This is evidenced by all the people He put along my path to not only get me back to Him, but to make me, yes me, a disciple of Jesus and to share Him and His work with anyone I can. I could not have reached this place in my life without Christian Leaders Institute, without the encouragement of my wife and family, and with God making it all possible.